Interactive 3D View: Enhancing and Securing Industrial Maintenance

Technological advancements in interactive 3D visualization, 360° panoramas, and augmented reality have revolutionized on-site interventions in the industrial sector, particularly from a safety perspective.

These solutions allow for the creation of interactive 3D digital models, 360° panoramic images, and virtual information overlays on the real world.

Interactive 3D View: Enhancing and Securing Industrial Maintenance

Interactive 3D View: Understanding Technologies Used in Industrial Maintenance

What is Building Information Modeling (BIM)?

Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a process of creating and managing a 3D digital model of a building or industrial facility. Originally designed for the construction industry, it now applies to the industrial sector as well. It integrates information about the design, construction, and maintenance of the facility, providing interactive visualization and comprehensive data management.

In simple terms, BIM involves:

  • Integrating equipment data and characteristics during the design phase through a 3D model.
  • Sharing this data among stakeholders involved in the building’s lifecycle through software.

Additionally, the emergence of the new role of BIM manager demonstrates the increased workload associated with these 3D models, which, like any database, require regular updates.

360° panoramas: What are the applications in industrial maintenance or defense?

The technology of 360° panoramas allows for capturing 360-degree images of real-world environments.

This creates an immersive view that enables users to virtually explore locations and move freely within the space, providing a realistic and detailed experience.

In maintenance, this greatly facilitates inspections, intervention preparation, as well as obtaining comprehensive documentation about the facility.

Augmented Reality or Virtual Reality: Already Accessible Future for Industrial Maintenance

Augmented reality overlays real-time virtual information onto the real world, typically using a mobile device or special glasses. It allows users to visualize virtual elements in their real environment, thereby facilitating understanding and interaction with equipment and installations.

In the industry, virtual reality also enables trainees to simulate a real environment from a first-person perspective, similar to an on-site intervention. This is particularly beneficial for safe training!

Interactive 3D View, Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, Ennovia, Industrial Maintenance,

Interactive 3D View: Advantages for Maintenance Technicians

Interactive 3D visualization, 360° panoramas, and augmented reality solutions offer numerous benefits for on-site interventions in the industrial sector.

Firstly, they provide a better understanding of the installations by offering realistic and interactive visualization. This facilitates intervention planning, reduces errors, and optimizes maintenance processes.

Moreover, these solutions enhance intervention safety by allowing technicians to virtually explore locations before physically accessing them, thus identifying potential safety risks.

They also provide quick access to relevant information about equipment, maintenance procedures, and real-time data.

However, it is important to note that these solutions require adequate training to be effectively utilized.

Interactive 3D View: Advantages for Maintenance Technicians

Interactive 3D View: Examples of BIM, 360° panoramas, and augmented reality applications in industrial maintenance

Several examples illustrate how these technologies can improve visualization, diagnostic accuracy, work planning, and overall maintenance efficiency in different industrial sectors.

  • Turner Construction, a construction company, used BIM in its preventive maintenance projects.
    By creating detailed BIM models of facilities, they can visualize and analyze equipment, plumbing systems, electrical networks, and more. This allows them to identify high-risk areas, anticipate maintenance needs, and proactively plan interventions. This approach has improved maintenance efficiency and reduced costs.
  • Saudi Aramco, an oil and gas company, utilizes 360° virtual tours to facilitate maintenance of its facilities. By capturing 360° panoramas of industrial sites, technicians can conduct virtual visits, identify potential issues, share information with remote experts, and make faster decisions.
    This has allowed Saudi Aramco to reduce on-site travel, expedite maintenance operations, and minimize downtime.
  • Finally, Boeing has embraced augmented reality in its aircraft maintenance activities.
    Maintenance technicians can use tablets or augmented reality glasses to access 360° panoramas of planes, visualize contextual information about components, and follow step-by-step instructions for repairs. This reduces errors, simplifies personnel training, and optimizes the time required to perform industrial maintenance tasks.

Conclusion: A Major Opportunity to Optimize Industrial Maintenance and Team Safety!

Interactive 3D visualization solutions (BIM, 360° panoramas, and augmented reality) have transformed on-site interventions in the industrial sector.

Through improved understanding of installations, enhanced safety, and quick access to relevant information, these solutions facilitate the planning and execution of maintenance work.

These technologies are gradually becoming more accessible. They optimize facility performance and ensure a safe working environment for technicians!

The conclusion for industrial maintenance regarding the interactive 3D view

However, digital models require regular maintenance to keep them up to date!

Our advanced CMMS tool, QUICKBRAIN, includes 3D model management to eliminate outdated modeling and make them interactive by linking them to technical documentation. Contact us to learn more!